Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fruity Pebbles

Fruit is our friend! I received an order for a "repeat" Frostings lover. :) He first tried our Nuetella Chocolate cupcakes at a cousin's birthday party. This time it was HIS birthday & grandma ordered some tasty treats to celebrate!  Pictured is the Kahlua Banana; a custom flavor and adult treat. ;)  It is Kahlua chocolate cake with...
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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Birthday Bash Weekend

It's the summer and what better way to ring in the summer season than with a birthday bash weekend. We were busy with two birthday events on opposite sides of the age spectrum! Early saturday was a pool party theme for a 6 year old adorable girl! Lemon cupcakes topped with a Rainier cherry & Strawberry Overload cupcakes topped with a {classy}...
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Frostings Cupcakery
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