Friday, July 1, 2011

Tis' the season

It's the summer and I don't know of anything more popular than the beach and weddings this time of year! I love all these beautiful summer wedding we get to do. These brides are super creative & are jumping head first into design details. You go girls!! I updated my website to include some new wedding trends but it's also the season for babies-- boy is it ever! If it's not a birthday party it's a baby shower. I am so excited to be doing a baby announcement party this weekend. The client wants a neutral cupcake with a "colored" center to reveal what the sex of the baby is {we'll leave that unknown since we don't want to tip of any of her party go-ers}. What a cute way to incorporate your nearest & dearest in the announcement of the gender of this precious lil' life! I'm feeling the creative juices flowing & I love it! It's nice to have some custom projects that allow my creativity to run wild. I'll update with photos of the finished product {as always}.


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